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Monday, April 05, 2004
Next era of flight starts in ... Kindersley?

"It's very confusing because this is the dawn of a new era in travel, from right here in Kindersley. We should be all over this in Saskatchewan but instead, no one seems to know or care," said Melanie Wildman, spokeswoman for the da Vinci Project, a volunteer-driven effort to launch the world's first independent manned space capsule.
Wildfire, as the capsule has been named, will be sent into the stratosphere from the airport in Kindersley, a town of 5,500 southwest of Saskatoon. An announcement for da Vinci's launch date will be made in Long Beach, Calif., on April 18 at the first race for the Champ Car World Series. Media from across the globe will descend on Kindersley for the launch. According to Wildman, CNN and the BBC have confirmed they will be there, as have other news agencies from Europe.
"This is going to be the biggest media event in Saskatchewan's history," she said. "The Associated Press has said it will be one of the top five human interest stories of 2004." Read More
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